Welcome To The World of Bert, Elli, Their Family and Friends.

Well hello, and thank you for spending some time with us. You might already know a little about leprechauns, or you might want to learn, but this website is the place where you can, for a while, enter the secret world of the select band of leprechauns who train for years to be qualified to work with humans. You can learn about what we do through the stories of two of us. I, Bert, have been working for my human for ten years, have had a wealth of experiences, many highs and also a few lows in my working life. My friend Elli began her job in April 2018 and wrote about it right from her first impressions and experiences onwards.

This site contains a wealth of written material, journals, blogs, photographs, audio adventures and more. Feel free to explore.

Thank you for your company. May the moon and stars blesss your day.