About Elli

Hi! My name is Ellianna Hilbertna, but most people just call me Elli. I’m a leprechaun. That doesn’t mean what you think it might, though. I’m taller than you might think, don’t wear lots of green, don’t have an Irish accent or even live in Ireland, have no idea where you can find a pot of gold, and go out of my way to avoid fighting instead of starting it. Oh yeah, and if you haven’t figured it out from my name, I’m a girl, or as we would say, a fem. Yes, there really are female leprechauns.

I’m the oldest of eight leplings, or lings as we usually call them, and grew up in a pretty average lep colony in Las Vegas. For most leps, life is all about survival, but for as long as I can remember, I’ve loved learning about anything and everything, especially about the Helping Hand, which is what humans would call magic, and about the lep Code, the rules my people live by. On my thirteenth birthday, while my family and I were having dinner, the head of the Academy of Shya-Roven appeared in a shower of green stars to tell us that I had been chosen to go there and train for seventeen years to live and work with humans.

Every student of Shya-Roven learns lots of everything — cordon bleu cooking, housekeeping, gardening, human technology, human history, human theory, general human studies, and so, so much more that I’m not allowed to talk about. All that takes up most of our seventeen years. But in our final six months, we’re given special training in a particular area or field. Mine is human childcare. That means so much more than just feeding them, entertaining them, and keeping them clean and out of trouble. Most human children have passed me in size by their first birthday. I had to learn how to take care of very young children who are a lot closer to my size than the lings I was used to, or even bigger than I am. I also studied lots and lots of child development and psychology and human parenting methods. I learned special ways of using the Helping Hand for my future work, how to cope with the day-to-day needs and upsets of human children, what to do in emergencies, and so much more.

I graduated from Shya-Roven on my thirtieth birthday. Now I live and work in Illinois with my two humans, Nicole and Brad, and their growing family. I’m busy, fulfilled, and happier than I’ve ever been in my life.

To find out more about me, Watch Me on YouTube!